
Without a pituitary gland, medication is essential to replace either the hormones it secretes and/or the hormones it stimulates other glands to produce.

Clicking the button reveals more about my personal experience with the medication.


This is the medical name for the hormone cortisol that is produced by the adrenal glands, which is produced in response to the pituitary gland secreting anticorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).


Produced by the thyroid gland to control metabolism, which is produced in response to the pituitary gland secreting thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

This hormone, also known as vasopressin, made by the hypothalamus, is stored and secreted from the pituitary gland and works in the kidneys to control water and salt balance.

After the operation I spent several days in a high dependancy unit, before moving to a private room outside the main Children's ward. At this point, having no ADH in my system meant I drank copious amounts each day (as no water was being retained) but also passed lots of water. Constantly thirsty, contantly urinating. When the nurse came to do my 'obs' (observations) she asked how many plastic cups I had drank that morning. I replied: "I'm not drinking cups; I'm drinking it by the jug!" Soon thereafter I was prescribed ADH. Problem solved.

Growth Hormone

Secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration.

In my early 30's I was asked to take part in a 12 month Growth Hormone (GH) trial. Candidates who responded positively to the treatment would subsequently be prescribed the medication long term. I jumped at the chance. Me and GH go back a long way! The trial involved nightly injections and regular monitoring (weight, muscle to fat ratio, mood, elasticity of arteries).

For the first 6 months, half of those involved took a placebo while others the real thing. None of us knew which group we fell into. I suspected from the start I was not on the placebo. Within days of starting the trial, muscles started to grow in my legs, in particular the shins! So much so my dosage had to be reduced to ease the severe cramps it caused. Even so, early into the program I started to feel the benefits. Energy levels and muscle mass increased, mood improved. It took me from a 'slightly too tired to be bothered' frame of mind to one of 'I might have a go at that'. I took an interest in gardening, playing the guitar, cooking.

I'm still on the treatment to this day. I use a Nordipen to inject each night, and get a regular supply of needles from the helpful team at Health at Home.


Produced by the testes in response to the pituitary gland secreting luteinizing hormone.

The first testosterone product prescribed to me in my early teens was Sustanon 250. This came in the form of a thick, oily injection in the buttocks, administered by a nurse once a fortnight. And it hurt. For a couple of nights after the injection I couldn't sleep on the affected side. Testosterone levels would peak then trough througout each fortnight, so it wasn't ideal for me. Even so I remained with it for several years (not being aware other products might be available). The treatment was mildy effective. Deepening of my voice; pubic hair growth; Some muscle growth; Low libido. With hindsight I should have asked for a stronger dose and/or a more frequent one.

Transferring to the adult endocrine clinic when I was 17 introduced me to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). This meant my body now produced its own androgens. And for the first time, sperm. And my libido went through the roof. Happy days. I remained on this treatment for a couple of years. Although I was then put back on Sustanon 250, FSH and LH kickstarted the relevant processes that are still in good working order today.

I tried a testosterone patch for a short while, mainly to get away from injections. The patch is literally a sticky patch applied to the upper arm each morning after showering. This didn't suit me at all. Although it did a good job of administering the drug, the patch would often come loose, particulary on warm days.

Looking for other alternatives, I was prescribed Testogel, a gel that comes in a sachet, and is rubbed into the arms and legs daily. This was very effective, and still is today. It's a daily dose, and once absorbed, that's it. It changed a year or so ago from a sachet to a pump. And the instructions advise to rub into the arms only and not the legs? Apart from that it works a treat for me. Think I'll stay with it for a while :o)